Films catalogue
La dissolution du paysage
Through visual metaphors, the film offers an incursion into an inner landscape, a dive into subconscious, a mix of childhood memories and recurrent dreams, between surrealism and automatism.
Cast & Crew
- Screenplay : Anne-Marie Bouchard
- Animation : Anne-Marie Bouchard
- Editor : Anne-Marie Bouchard
- Sound : Lyne Goulet, Martien Bélanger, Fred Lebrasseur & Anne-Marie Bouchard
- Sound mix : Martien Bélanger
- Sound editor : Martien Bélanger
- Music : Lyne Goulet, Martien Bélanger & Fred Lebrasseur
Anne-Marie Bouchard lives and works in Québec City. She directed several experimental videos and installations. Her work is about exploring the mysteries and wonders of the world and questioning the way we perceive and analyze it. To sense, to feel, to be immersed, and to question: her cinema is poetry.
- 2024 -
FIFA - Festival International du Film sur l'Art,Montréal, Québec
Porto Femme, Portugal
Sommets du cinéma d'animation, Montréal, Québec
Tranås at the Fringe, Suède
RIFFA - Regina International Film festival and Awards, Canada
FCVQ - Festival de Cinéma de la Ville de Québec, Canada
Director's statement
It's a film of etching on film, drawing on film, laser engraving on film, wetting and chemical manipulation of film, edited to an original improvised score by Lyne Goulet, Martien Bélanger and Fred Lebrasseur. The improvisations on film fed the music, which in turn fed the editing and new animations, in a constant back-and-forth between the creation of the animations and the music.