Films catalogue

The Left Hand

Maxime Robin / 2022 / 13 min. / Canada / FRENCH / Canada


Young Maxime's mother starts worrying about her son when he is declared "not normal" by his 2nd grade teacher. After a distressing visit to the hospital, she decides to confront the teacher, only to see the whole situation in a new light when the most trivial misunderstanding occurs. A short movie about gender, especially when it’s projected on others.

Cast & Crew

  • Screenplay : Maxime Robin
  • Cinematographer : François Gamache
  • Editor : Laura Bergeron
  • Sound : Mathieu Grégoire
  • Sound mix : Martin Lemay
  • Sound editor : Alex Bernatchez
  • Music : Louis-Étienne Santais
  • Artistic director : Pier Ann St-Jean
  • Cast : Oscar Vaillancourt, Evelyne Rompré, Anne-Marie Côté, Marie-Ginette Guay, Maxime Robin




LGBTQIA+, Childhood



Trained at the Conservatoire d’art dramatique de Québec and at the Mel Oppenheim School of cinema, Maxime divides his time between screen and stage, and works as an actor, a writer and a director. His first short BALLET JAZZ won the creation fund award at the Quebec city CineFest in 2017. He also co-produced, -wrote, and -directed the webseries BEST BEFORE, which won Best webseries at HollyFest, best Comedy at Sidney Webfest and “Coup de coeur Fonds Bell” at FCIAT.


- 2022 -

 REGARD - Festival international du court métrage au Saguenay, Canada
Talent tout court - Festival de Cannes, France
Le long week-end du court, Canada
Festival de cinéma de la ville de Québec, Canada
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival, Canada
Cinémania, Canada
FICFA, Canada
Longue vue sur le court, Canada
Fantasia Film Festival, Montréal, Canada / Prix de la meilleure mise en scène 2022
Longue vue sur le court, Canada / Prix Coup de coeur du jury

- 2023 -

Plein(s) Ecran(s), Montréal, Québec
Vues dans la tête..., Rivière-du-Loup, Québec | Prix Fiction
Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Montréal, Canada
Festival International du Film pour Enfant de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Carrousel de Rimouski, Rimouski, Québec
Ull Nu Film Festival, Andorre la Vieille, Andorre
Inside Out 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival, Toronto, Canada
Toronto Outdoor Picture Show, Toronto, Canada
RIFFA - Regina International Film festival and Awards, Regina, Canada
Portobello Film Festival, Londres, UK
Saint-Séverin Film Festival, Saint-Séverin, Québec
Queer Lisboa, Lisbonne, Portugal
Vues d'en face (LGBT), Grenoble, France
Festival International du film francophone de Namur, Namur, Belgique
Tels Quels Festiva / LGBT Shortfilm, Bruxelles, Belgique
MICE - Mostra Internacional Cinema Educatiu, Valence, Espagne | Best Fiction Short
QUEER-STREIFEN-Filmfestival Regensburg, Regensburg, Allemagne
Kerry International Film Festival, Killarney, Irlande
USN – Sardinia Queer Film Expo, Cagliari, Italie
Festival Objectif Cinéma, Orléans, Ontario
Bolton International Film Festival, Bolton, UK
Melbourne Queer Film Festival, Melbourne, Australie
Canberra Short Film Festival, Canberra, Australie
Festival de cinéma québécois de Biscarosse, Biscarosse, Québec | Meilleur court métrage
Mezipatra Queer Film Festival, Prague/Brno, République tchèque
Ojai Film Festival, Ojai, USA
International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino!, Poznan, Pologne
Festival du court métrage d'Auch, Auch, France | Grand Prix du Jury France 3 Libre Court

- 2024 -

Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival, Lousiane, USA
Festival du film LGBTQIA+ de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Reelout Queer Film Festival, Kingston, Canada
Pink Life QueerFest, Ankara, Turquie
Riga International Film Festival, 2ANNAS, Riga, Lettonie
Festival Quebecuá en Espagne, Logroño, Espagne
Geelong Pride Film Festival (GPFF), Geelong, Australie
KASHISH Pride Film Festival, Mumbai, Inde
FIRE!! Barcelona LGBT Film Festival, Barcelona, Espagne
MECAL Festival International of Short Film, Barcelona, Espagne
LABADABA family music festival, Riga, Lettonie
Seoul International Children's Film Festival(SICFF), Séoul, Corée du Sud
QueerFilmFest Rostock, Rostock, Allemagne
Mix Brasil Festival, Sao Paulo, Brésil


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