Films catalogue


Gabrielle Demers / 2017 / 10 min. / Canada / FRENCH / SUBS INTERNATIONAL FRENCH, ENGLISH


Emanuelle is training on her stationary bike but she can't get her mind off the image of Laura. The more she pedals, the more her memories turn to desire.

Cast & Crew

  • Screenplay : Gabrielle Demers
  • Cinematographer : Chloé Lampron Gingras
  • Editor : Charlie Boisvert
  • Sound : Alexandre Lefebvre
  • Music : Gabriel Genest
  • Sound Design : Pier-Luc Tremblay
  • Sound Mix : Philippe Lefebvre
  • Artistic direction : Didier Pigeon Perreault
  • Cast : Marie Babbini et Daphné Germain




LGBTQIA+, Childhood, Initiation story, Sexuality


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Finishing her bachelor’s degree in Cinema at the University of Quebec in Montreal, Gabrielle Demers wrote and directed Paupière Mauve. It is her second short film produced at l’UQAM.


- 2017 -
Alternative LGBT Prize | Flickr’s Rhode Island Film Festival, USA
In Competition | Les Femmes Underground International Film Festival, USA
In Competition | International Short Film Festival Beijing, China
In Competition | Chéries-Chéris, France
In Competition | mage + Nation, Canada

- 2018 -
In Competition | Minimalen Short Film Festival, Norway
In Competition | Flickerfest, Australia
In Competition | Slamdance, USA
Nominated | Prix Solveig Anspach, Iceland
In Competition | Vues dans la tête..., Canada
In Competition | Rendez-Vous Québec Cinéma, Canada
In Competition | Mecal Pro, Spain
In Competition | BUFF Internation Film Festivam, Denmark
In Competition | Châlon Tout Court, France
In Competition | Florida Film Festival, USA
In Competition | Concordia Film Festival, Canada
In Competition | Inside Out Toronto, Canada
In Competition | Longue vue sur le court, Canada
In Competition | Festival de Fort-Coulonge, Canada
Special Screening | Festival SOIR, Canada
Special Screening | Lviv International Short Film Festival, Canada
In Competition | Choufouhonna Festival d'Art Féministe de Tunis, Tunisia
In Competition | QueerFilmFest Rostock, Germany
Special Screening | FCIAT - Espace Court, Canada
In Competition | Woman Make Waves Taipei, Taiwan
In Competition | Athens Children Film Festival, Greece

- 2019 -
In Competition | Cineffables - Festival International du Film Lesbien et Féministe, France
In Competition | Brussels Pink Screens Film Festival, Belgium


- 2017 -
Alternative LGBT Prize | Flickr’s Rhode Island Film Festival, USA
MaTV Prize | Festival interactif de la ville de Lévis, Canada

- 2018 -
Best Narrative Short | Filministes, Canada


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