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Uncertain Spring
Francis, mid-forties, is terminally ill with cancer in the palliative care unit of a hospital in Montreal. His 14 years old niece, Lea, visits him every day coming home from school. She also sends him regularly, with her cell, some images of the outside hesitant spring. And other images, just as hesitant, of the person who turns her teenage heart. Accomplices exchanges of a young girl and her uncle, made of cares and games. A life is extinguished, another is being born for love.
Cast & Crew
- Direction : Carole Laganière
- Screenplay : Carole Laganière
- Direction of photography : Dominique Dorval
- Editing : Aube Foglia
- Sound : Richard Lavoie
- Mixing sound : Mélanie Gauthier
- Artistic direction : Charlie Beaudoin
- Actors : Paul Ahmarani et Jade Charbonneau
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After several winning works in fiction (The handkerchief, day off and Aline), Carole Laganière focuses exclusively on documentary, a genre that allows him to combine social concerns and artistic. In 2002 and 2003, with The Fiancee of Life and A Roof, a Violin, the Moon, the filmmaker won the Best Documentary Award at the Hots Docs in Toronto. Views of the East (2004), L'Est Forever (2010) and Absences (2013), which features the director's mother with Alzheimer's disease, confirm the maturity of an artist look both in love and incisive. In 2014, she directed and produced Goodbye, on the end of life in a hospice. An uncertain spring, inspired by Farewell, is his most recent film.
2014Des adieux / 63 min.
2013Absences / 75 min.
2011L'Est pour toujours / 80 min.
2010Première année / 52 min.
- 2016 -
Rendez-Vous Québec Cinéma, Canada
Festival REGARD, Canada
Festival du Film Court de Troyes, France
St-John's International Women's Film Festival, Canada
Festival Tous Courts, France
Festival du nouveau cinéma, Canada
Vancouver International Women In Film Festival, Canada
Cinema on the Bayou, États-Unis
- 2017 -
Festival 48 images seconde, France