Films catalogue

Still Untitled/Encore sans titre

Geneviève Sauvé / 2019 / 14 min. / Canada / FRENCH / SUBS ENGLISH


Lying down on her bed, she receives a text message from a man she likes. He asks for a picture of her. Dissatisfied with the clichés she took, she starts a game where she takes herself for the famous Cindy Sherman, in four photographs from her Untitled Film Stills serie.

Cast & Crew

  • Screenplay : Catherine Dumas
  • Cinematographer : Jules Cloutier LAcerte
  • Editor : Marlène Poulin
  • Sound : Samuel Carrier
  • Sound mix : Mathieu Lacourse
  • Sound editor : Mathieu Lacourse
  • Music : Benoit Panneton
  • Artistic director : Yola Van Leeuwenkamp
  • Cast : Catherine Dumas




Cinema, Drama, Romance


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Geneviève’s strength lies in her ability to create innovative and powerful films through her thoughtful work with the actors and her talent of create surprising associations between images and sounds. With 20 years of experience on movie sets, she has directed more than ten short films, some of which have traveled internationally (Egypt, Cannes, Finland, etc.) in addition to being presented in different festivals such as the RVCQ and the FNC in Canada. Her last two films Le Service (The Favor) and Dire (Unspokenwords) have received several distinctions including an Award of Excellence in the Best Woman Filmaker category of the Best Short Competition in California. Recently, she added to her skill set by completing the Directing Television program at the National Institute of Sound and Images (INIS) and is currently working on several fiction series as well as on her first feature film.


- 2019 -
In competition | Toronto Short International Film Festival, Canada

- 2020 -
In competition | Festival International du Film sur l'Art, Canada
In competition | FilmArte Festival, Spain
Platinum Remi Award - Short Craft - Screenplay/Script category | WorldFest Houston, USA
In competition | Asolo Art, Italy
In competition | On Art Poland, Poland
In competition | International Fine Arts Film Festval, USA
In competition | Dart Barcelona, Spain

- 2021 -
In competition | Festival de films féministes de Montréal, Canada
In competition | Festival de films féministes - Filministes, Canada
In competition | Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Canada
In competition | Made Here Showcase, USA
In competition | Fine Arts Film Festival, USA


- 2020 -
Platinum Remi Award - Short Craft - Screenplay/Script category | WorldFest Houston, USA

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