Films catalogue

Karim + Hadjer

Samuel Matteau / 2015 / 9 min. / Canada/Algeria / FSD


Once upon a time, in an Algeria divided between tradition and modernity, two young adults named Karim and Hadjer could not love each other free. Through the trials that will be on their way, it is the very meaning of their love that they will have to learn to rediscover and redefine.

Cast & Crew

  • Director : Samuel Matteau
  • Screenplay : Samuel Matteau
  • Cinematographer : Samuel Matteau
  • Editor : René Caron
  • Sound : Michaël Pineault
  • Music : Mathieu Robineau et Mathieu Campagna
  • Cast : Samy Benhalla et Ghyzlene Boukaila




Cultural diversity, Romance, Religion and spirituality

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Samuel Matteau is a filmmaker based in Québec City. In 2012, he delivered a touching portrait of his mother in the poignant documentary Le combat silencieux. Ailleurs, his first feature film, was released in 2018.


  • 2013
    La cité 1, 2, 3, 4
  • 2012
    Le combat silencieux / 52 min.
  • 2011
  • 2011
    Trop / 11 min.


Festival du Film Arabe de Fameck, Algérie
Cinema on the Bayou États-Unis
Festival du Film Court de Troyes, France


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