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Loïc is alone in the anechoic room. What had he done to find himself in there? Since when? He only came to the audiology clinic for a little hiss in his ear...
Cast & Crew
- Scénario : Maximilien Rolland
- Direction de la photographie : Nicolas Poitras-Gamache
- Montage : Miguel de Plante
- Prise de son : Jordan Choinière
- Mixage : Zachary Scholes
- Conception sonore : Jacob Marcoux
- Musique : Charles-André Leroux
- Direction artistique : Mathieu Matério
- Interprètes : Étienne Thibeault, Catherine-Audrey Lachapelle, Lise Roy
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Maximilien Rolland has been experimenting as a director for several years through various documentary, fiction and, more recently, music video projects. He stood out for the first time by winning the INIS Emergence award at La Course des Régions in 2013, being the youngest participant in his cohort. After studying at UQAM in cinema and some improvement at INIS, he tried the competition again in 2017 with his film Le Complexe Appara. It’s through those experiments that he developed a fascination for magical realism, science fiction and psychological thriller. He’s now ready to present his most ambitious project, his new short film: Audionomie.
- 2020 -
In competition | Fantasia International Film Festival, Canada
In competition | Festival Les Percéides, Canada
In competition | Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival, Canada
In competition | CRASH – 12th International Fantastic Film Festival, Brazil
- 2021 -
In competition | Mecal Pro - Barcelona International Short and Animation Film Festival, Spain
In competition | Rendez-Vous Québec Cinéma, Canada
In competition | Dark Soul Fest, Spain
In competition | Portobello Film Festival, United Kingdom
In competition | SENE Film, Music and Arts Festival, USA
In competition | Fargo Fantastic Film Festival, USA
In competition | Feratum Film Festival, Mexico
In competition | New West Film Fest, Canada
In competition | 6ix Screams International Horror Film Festival, Canada
In competition | The Vancouver Horror Show Film Festival, Canada
In competition | Festival de cinéma québécois de Biscarosse, France
In competition | Edinburgh Short Film Fest, United Kingdom
- 2022 -
In competition | Cinema on the Bayou, USA
In competition | The Quarantine Film Festival, Bulgaria