Films catalogue

Where do cats go after 9 lives ?

Marion Duhaime / 2017 / 18 min. / Canada / FRENCH / SUBS ENGLISH


Lily-May decides to tell those closest to her about the choice she has made. She intends to end her life at an assisted suicide clinic. When the time of our own death is predetermined, is saying goodbye any easier?

Cast & Crew

  • Screenplay : Marion Duhaime
  • Cinematographer : Isabelle Stachtchenko
  • Editor : Amélie Labrèche
  • Sound : Sophie Bédard Marcotte, Pascal Plante, Andrew Beaudoin
  • Music : Carmel Scurti-Belley
  • Sound design : Simon Bellemare
  • Sound Mix : Mitchell Stafiej
  • Artistic direction : Alexandra Bégin
  • Cast : Tiffany Montambault, Paul Ahmarani, Salomé Corbo, Manuel Tadros




Family, Death, Science fiction


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Marion Duhaime is a director, scriptwriter & producer from Montreal, Canada. She graduated “magna cum laude” from the BA- Film Production program of the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema at Concordia University in 2012. She is the cofounder of Arpent Films, a production house specialising in short fiction and independent feature films. She has produced several short films (PUNCH, JE T’AI VU). She has also been working at the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) since 2010, where she realized her professional interests lay in distribution and audience development. Her directorial debut short film “WHERE DO CATS GO AFTER 9 LIVES ?” is a dark comedy about assisted suicide.


- 2017 -
Prix Spira | Off-Court, France
In Competition | Vancouver International Film Festival, Canada
In Competition | FCIAT, Canada
In Competition | FICMO, Canada

- 2018 -
In Competition | Un Poing C'est Court, France
In Competition | deuXX, Canada
In Competition | Rendez-Vous Québec Cinéma, Canada
In Competition | Kingston Film Festival, Canada
In Competition | Vancouver Women in Film + Television, Canada
In Competition | BUFF Malmö Film Festival, Denmark
In Competition | Rencontres du Court de Madagascar, Madagascar
In Competition | New Port Beach Film Festival, USA
In Competition | Courts d'un soir, Canada
In Competition | Longue vue sur le court, Canada
In Competition | Gimli Film Festival, Canada
In Competition | NewFilmmakers Los Angeles, USA
In Competition | Les Percéides, Canada
In Competition | Cinéfest Sudbury, Canada
In Competition | IFF Pacific Meridian, Russia
In Competition | Alice nella Città, Italy
In Competition | Interfilm Berlin, Germany
In Competition | Bogota Short Film Festival, Colombia

- 2019 -
In Competition | Shorts Attacks, Germany
In Competition | Balades de Courts, France
Special Screening| Festival SOIR, Canada
In Competition | Wandering Reel traveling Film Festival, USA


- 2017 -
Prix Spira | Off-Court, France

- 2018 -
Best International Film, Best Actress | Canberra Short Film Festival, Australia

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