Films catalogue

Winter prints

Mathieu Germain / 2018 / 14 min. / Canada / FRENCH / SUBS ENGLISH


On Quebec's frozen Saint Lawrence River a few brave souls take part in their favourite winter activity: smelt fishing. This observational documentary reveals the ballet that is a day of fishing to the tune of beating shovels, holes being dug, rods swinging and the chit chat between fishermen and women. Through this frozen ritual, this film seeks to elucidate the interactions between humans and their natural environment.

Cast & Crew

  • Director : Mathieu Germain
  • Screenplay : Mathieu Germain
  • Cinematographer : Nicolas Caraglio et Mathieu Germain
  • Editor : Mathieu Germain
  • Sound : Michel Grondin
  • Production : École des Métiers du Cinéma et de la Télévision




Environment, Quebec, Sports


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After having studied and practiced physiotherapy for a few years, Mathieu left on a long trip in 2015. Upon his return, he decided to dedicate himself to the visual arts that had always been his passion. His curiosity about the world, the relationship between people as well as with their environment naturally drew him towards documentary cinema. After studying videography, he pursued his education in documentary filmmaking at l'École des métiers du cinéma et de la Vidéo in Quebec. Winter Prints is his first film.


- 2018 -
In Competition | Festival International du Film de Montagne d'Autrans, France

- 2019 -
In Competition | Rendez-Vous Cinéma Québec, Canada
In Competition | Festival international du film ethnographique du Québec, Canada
In Competition | Courts d'un soir / Montréal, Canada
In Competition | Dawson City International Short Film Festival, Canada
In Competition | Ethno Festival Slavonia, Croatia
In Competition | Cinemabrut, France
In Competition | Antimatter, Canada
In Competition | Traces de vies, France

- 2020 -
In Competition | Cinema on the Bayou, USA


- 2019 -
Best Short Film, Best Photography | De l'âme à l'écran, Canada


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