Films catalogue
Where the Grass is Greener
This trip on the edge of surrealism takes us through diverse sides of the suburbs in order to find where the grass is greener.
Cast & Crew
- Screenplay : Danick-André Dubuc et Guillaume Massie-Hamel
- Cinematographer : Jean-François Vaudrin
- Editor : Danick-André Dubuc
- Sound : Danick-André Dubuc
- Sound mix : Emmanuel Bernier
- Sound editor : Emmanuel Bernier
- Production : Clara Bernard
Growing up in the suburbs of Montreal, Guillaume started his cinema journey at Montmorency Cegep in 2016. Throughout the years, he directed a few documentaries as well as other short experimental projects which led him to a more coherent artistic approach. His work often seeks answers about our individual and collective identity and questions our interactions with our environment.
- 2022 -
In competition | ARGO Student Short Film Festival, online
In competition | Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival, Canada
The suburbs are full of mysteries, contradictions and surprises. To accurately depict this complexity, we gathered a diversity of witnesses and places and assembled them in a way to put the spectator in a meditative state which allows a liberty of interpretation. To maintain a certain subjectivity and to shine a light on the most shocking aspects of these places, we mixed in additional aesthetics chosen for their evocative and sensory nature.