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Sarah wants to dance. Like any artist, wants to create. This movie tells the story of the creative transition from darkness to light.
Cast & Crew
- Direction : Elias Djemil
- Screenplay : Elias Djemil et Sarah Couture
- Direction of photography : Larry Rochefort
- Editing : Elias Djemil, Anne-Marie Bouchard
- Music : Mathieu Grégoire, Alexandre Côté
- Mixing sound : Mathieu Grégoire, Alexandre Côté
- Actors : Sarah Couture
- Production : Elias Djemil
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Sarah wants to dance. Like any artist, wants to create. This movie tells the story of the creative transition from darkness to light.
- 2016 -
In Competition | Festival de Cinéma de la Ville de Québec, Canada
In Competition | Open Art Film Festival, Germany
In Competition | Cine Pobre, Mexico
In Competition | Chhatrapati Shivaji Internatinal Film Festival, India
In Competition | NDIFF, Uganda
In Competition | Mexico City Video Dance Festival, Mexico
- 2017 -
In Competition | Cinema on the Bayou, USA
In Competition | Dance on Screen, USA
In Competition | Rendez-Vous du Cinéma Québécois, Canada
In Competition | Independiantes Primer Festival, Peru
In Competition | New York Academy of Film and Music, USA
In Competition | Gimli Film Festival, Canada
In Competition | Benicia Film Festival, USA
In Competition | California Underground Film Festival, USA
In Competition | Dissident Film Festival, Bostwana