Films catalogue

Le serrement

Alexandre Isabelle / 2015 / 12 min. / France / FRENCH


To help him cope with his brother's impulsivity, Thomas found a refuge in his passion for books and falconry.

Cast & Crew

  • Director : Alexandre Isabelle
  • Screenplay : Alexandre Isabelle
  • Cinematographer : Isabelle Stachtchenko
  • Editing : Alexandre Isabelle
  • Sound : Mathieu Massard
  • Music : Klô Pelgag
  • Mixing sound : Mathieu Robineau
  • Artistic direction : Christophe Ropers
  • Cast : Thomas Debaene et Nicolas Boulanger




Animals, Family, Initiation story


Professor of philosophy, Alexandre enters the world of cinema through the door of writing. After some enriching experiences in scriptwriting, he decides to go behind the camera to bring his imagination to its full potential. For him, creation and reflection respond to the same desire, that of "exhausting the field of the possible".


  • 2016
    La partie / 15 min.
  • 2014
    Chante avec moi / 2 min.
  • 2014
    Le flot / 9 min.
  • 2014
    Tison / 3 min.


- 2015 -
Festival Off-Courts, France
Festival de cinéma de la ville de Québec, Québec
Le sémaphore, Canada


The english version of the film is not available.


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