Films catalogue

The Bonfires are huge "bonfires" lit in Northern Ireland on July 12 each year by Protestants, in the context of the Battle of the Boyne celebrations, which took place in 1690. Composed of wooden pallets, of tires and rubbish, they represent identity affirmation for Protestants, arrogance and humiliation for Catholics.
Cast & Crew
- Direction and Screenplay : Martin Bureau
- Direction of photography : Émile et Martin Bureau
- Editing : Émile et Martin Bureau
- Sound : Émile et Martin Bureau
- Music : Érick d'Orion
- Mixing sound : Olivier Calvert
Martin Bureau lives and works Québec City, Canada.
Both a painter and filmmaker, Martin Bureau has presented his works at many events and gatherings around the world. Among them, the Hot Docs Film Festival in Toronto, the Chicago International Film Festival, the National Museum of Fine Arts in Québec City or the VIII Bienal de video y nuevos medios in Santiago, Chile.
While his works are prized by collectors, they also enrich the collections of many public and private institutions in Québec Province.
His work in painting and film continues to express aesthetic and social subjects while looking to provide a lasting testament of the present era and its stakes.
- 2017 -
Special Screening | Festival Off-Courts, France
In Competition | Traces de Vie, France
- 2018 -
Special Screening | Québec en Court, France
In Competition | Rendez-Vous du Cinéma Québécois et Francophone (Vancouver), Canada
In Competition | REGARD – Saguenay International Short Film Festival, Canada
In Competition | Flatpack Film Festival, UK
In Competition | Vues sur Mer, Canada
In Competition | Hot Docs, Canada
In Competition | Parties de Campagne, France
In Competition | Guanajuato Film Festival, Mexico
Special Screening | Weiterstadt Film Festival, Germany
Special Screening | FICFA, Canada
In Competition | Makedox, Macedonia
In Competition | Filmets Badalona, Spain
In Competition | Cinémental, France
In Competition | Festival Interférences, France
In Competition | Uppsala Short Film Festival, Finland
In Competition | Images en vues, Canada
In Competition | Cucarolus Film Festival, USA
In Competition | Festival Courts en Scène, France
In Competition | Vérin International Short Film Festival, Spain
- 2019 -
In Competition | Minimalen Short Film Festival, Norway
In Competition | Cinéma on the Bayou, USA
In Competition | Rai Film Festival, Italy
- 2018 -
Local talent award for short films | Festival de Cinéma de la Ville de Québec, Canada
Farel Prize for short films | Festival International du film à thématique religieuse, Switzerland
Martin Bureau lives and works in Quebec City. He is interested in the dynamics of power systems facing their limits. These questions unfold through an interdisciplinary practice, between painting, video installation and documentary cinema. Her work has been exhibited at the Manif d'art 7 in Quebec, at the Biennial of video and new media in Santiago, Chile, at Gallery 3 in Quebec City, and many times at Galerie Lacerte in Quebec City and Montreal. still at the Nicolas Metivier Gallery in Toronto. His paintings are present in many public and private collections, including the National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec, the cities of Montreal and Quebec, the National Assembly of Quebec, Caisses populaires Desjardins or Loto-Quebec. In 2009, he co-directed the documentary Une tent sur Mars, which was nominated for the Jutra Awards and the Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois for the documentary of the year. In 2014, he completed a first short film on the issue of state separation walls, They did not ask anyone, premiered at the Raindance Films Festival in London. In 2015, he also directed a short film about the crazy world of demolition derbies, L'Enfer marche au gaz !, produced by the NFB and Spira. Presented as a world premiere at the festival Regard sur le court in Saguenay, he was subsequently selected in twenty events and festivals all over the West, including the Hot Docs in Toronto, Talent tout court in Cannes, the FCVQ in Quebec, Raindance in London or the Chicago International Film Festival. At the Gala Take It Short in 2016, he received three prizes, including Best Editing and Best Sound Design. He is currently pursuing his series of paintings and webdocs on state dividing walls, of which Bonfires is the second short film completed.