Films catalogue

Before Fall
On the eve of an inevitable exile towards the urban centers, the youth of Temiscamingue is torn between the desire of a better future and the attachment to its territory.
Cast & Crew
- Director, Screenplay and Cinematographer : Sarah Baril Gaudet
- Editor : Sarah-Gabrielle Gauthier
- Sound : Francis Cyr-Barrette
- Music : Gabriel Ledoux
- Sound design : Marie-Kathryne Viens
- Sound mix : Robin Girard
- Cast : Yoan Duchesne, Ève Gingras, Sean Girard, Rosalie Rannou, Mathieu Valladont
- Productor : Audrey Fallu, La Cabane
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Sarah Baril Gaudet is a young director and cinematographer based in Montreal. In 2016, she completed her bachelor's degree at Université du Québec à Montréal, where she obtained the grant for Meilleur espoir documentaire (ACIC-ONF). Her first documentary short, Living Here, traveled to several international film festivals.
2017Living Here / 16 min.
- 2019 -
Best Short Film | Vues sur mer, Canada
In Competition | FIFEQ, Canada
In Competition | Leiden Int. short film festival, The Netherlands
Special Screening | Cinéma sous les étoiles, Canada
In Competition | Les Percéides, Canada
Special Screening | Festival de Cinéma de la Ville de Québec, Canada
In Competition | Festival International du Film d'Éducation, France
- 2020 -
En compétition | Cinema on the Bayou, USA
Special Screening | Mois de la Francophonie, Ivory Coast
In Competition | Tout court !, Italy
In Competition | Festival Emergence, Canada
- 2019 -
Best Short Film | Vues sur mer, Canada
Best Documentary | Courts d'un soir/ Montréal, Canada