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In festivals

The Sugar Cube

Jean-Philippe Nadeau Marcoux / 2023 / 22 min. / Canada / FRENCH / Canada


Canada, Province of Quebec, winter of 1918. A group of French Canadian guerrilla warfare and the English Canadian establishment are in a civil war after the great conscription of the WW1. During a firing squad, Winston Gottinham, as an officer, must face the disobedience of his soldiers. Gottinham has two choices: either punish their insubordination or understand it. After his decision, his tea will never taste the same.

Cast & Crew

  • Screenplay : Jean-Philippe Nadeau-Marcoux, Benjamin Tessier
  • Cinematographer : Stéphane Thériault
  • Editor : Stéphane Thériault, Jean-Philippe Nadeau-Marcoux
  • Sound : Marie-Andrée Cormier
  • Sound mix : Ludovic Fleury
  • Sound editor : Ludovic Fleury
  • Music : Alexandre Côté
  • Artistic director : Xavier Bélanger-Dorval
  • Cast : Jérémie Earp, Eliott Guay, Denis Marchand, Sylvio Arriola, Félix-Antoine Duval, Valérie Cross






In 2012, for his first screenplay, the short fiction film The Comrade, Jean-Philippe Nadeau-Marcoux won the prize for best short film at the first edition of the FCVQ. In 2014, he did it again with another short film which he was also directing this time, The Men’s from the Front, selected in more than eight countries around the world. Shot in Bolivia with crowdfunding in 2017, his documentary feature Journal de Bolivia: 50 years after the death of Che is released in theaters in 2020. This project is also in the official selection of the 41st International Festival of New Latin American Cinema in Havana, Cuba. The feature film is still continuing its festival tour in more than six countries and is part of the documentary selection of the Rendez-Vous Québec Cinéma in 2021. In 2023, he finishes his first solo fiction short film, The Sugar Cube.


- 2024 - 

Prend ça courts, Montréal, Québec
Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival, Lousiane, USA
Portobello Film Festival, Portobello, UK
Busho Film Festival, Budapest, Hongrie
Visioni Corte International Short Film Festival, Gaete, Italie | Best cinematography award


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