Films catalogue

Switch & Bitch

Sophia Belahmer et Juliette Gosselin / 2015 / 7 min. / Canada / FRENCH / SUBS ENGLISH


Fanny meets her high school friends at home for the annual Switch & Bitch. A ton of clothes, girls, alcohol and old grudges are at stake during this reunion.

Cast & Crew

  • Screenplay : Sophia Belahmer et Juliette Gosselin
  • Direction of photography : Menad Kresaoui
  • Editing : Gabriel B. Lamontagne
  • Sound : Steven Stevensky
  • Music : Geraldine
  • Mixing sound : Jacob Gauthier-Robitaille
  • Artistic direction : Guillaume Laflamme
  • Production : Catherine Vien-Labeaume
  • Actors : Julianne Côté, Catherine St-Laurent, Joanie Martel, Camille Mongeau, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse, Guenièvre Sandré




Comedy, Women and feminism


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Sophia Belahmer

Sophia Belahmer is a film student at the Université du Québec à Montréal. In 2009, she directed her first short film Le bleu des confettis; the latter is now available on TOU.TV. Switch & Bitch (Prix Tournner tout tout prix and Coup de Coeur of the Net surfers at Regard on the short film 2015) is the second co-realization that she signs with Juliette Gosselin after their stop-motion Les Maux-Valises (winner of the best experimental film at the FFEQ in 2014). She is currently working on her next short film Jeter after use.

Juliette Gosselin

Juliette Gosselin began her career as an actress at a very early age, earning important roles in the cinema in Nouvelle-France directed by Jean Beaudin and Familia by Louise Archambault. She then went on to perform several other roles in film and television, including feature films such as Michel Poulette's Histoire de famille, Denis Chouinard's Delivrez-moi, and Marc Bisaillon's La Vérité. This year, in addition to having participated in the women's / women's series by Chloé Robichaud and Ricardo Trogi's The Cradle of Angels series, Juliette has won an important film role in Alain Desrochers' upcoming English-language feature film. ESC. Since September 2013, she has been studying for a Bachelor's degree in communication (cinema) at UQÀM. Switch & Bitch is the second corealisation she signs with Sophia Belahmer.


REGARD - Festival international du court métrage au Saguenay, Canada
Festival de cinéma de la ville de Québec, Canada
Festival du cinéma international en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada
Cinema on the Bayou, USA
Festival C.L.A.C. - Certains l'aiment court, France


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