Films catalogue

In festivals

Fuck All Whites

Jeremy Peter Allen / 2024 / 22 min. / Canada / FRENCH


Wanting to distance himself from his skinhead past, Max joins the Northern Sentinels, a group that provides help to the homeless. The Sentinels’ social activities are soon shown to be hiding an even darker agenda.

Cast & Crew

  • Screenplay, editor : Jeremy Peter Allen
  • Cinematographer : Felippe
  • Sound : Marie-Andrée Cormier
  • Sound mix : Jean-François Côté
  • Sound editor : Ludovic Fleury
  • Artistic director : Gabrielle Côté
  • Cast : Michaël Breton, Mary-Lee Picknell, Normand Bissonnette




Activism and social struggles, Discrimination and human rights, Quebec



Jeremy Peter Allen has directed a feature film, MANNERS OF DYING (opening film at the RCVQ in 2005, presented and awarded at several international festivals), the first season of the TV series Chabotte et fille (2009), and more than a dozen short projects (Requiem contre un plafond, L'est, À la plage, Robert Lepage, Permission de visite, etc.)


- 2024 -

Fantasia, Canada

Director's statement

FUCK ALL WHITES is a cautionary tale, a reminder to stay vigilant in the face of resurgent right-wing movements across the planet. Fools with shaved heads who publicly flaunt their fascist views are only a distraction. The real danger lies in well-groomed militants who discreetly and methodically work at gaining the population’s trust, feeding it anti-immigrant paranoia in doses small enough that it won’t taste of the poison. With this film, I hope to cast a bit of revealing light into the shadowy fringes where these people operate.


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